Albuquerque Rooftops, 2012, Boogie Board Drawing on ricepaper (SOLD) |
As promised in my Tuesday blogpost, I am posting version #2 of my Boogie Board drawing "Albuquerque Rooftops."
For version #2, I eliminated the green color and printed the image on a natural color rice paper having a pronounced fiber content that activates the surface. To me, the image has a look similar to a "traditional" hand pulled print—the kind we did in art school, way-back-when, before the digital age. I like it.
Of course, this version, with all that blank space, seems to beg for some hand coloring. So, I may get the color pencils out and see what a few touches of hue do for the image.
Thanks for taking a moment to read this post. And thanks to those readers who emailed me your comments about this image. I appreciate it! Have a good weekend.
Text and image ©2012 Carol L. Adamec. All rights reserved.