Floral Fantasy, 2004/2008
Original: Color Pencil, Monotype
Image size: 5" x 7.75"
$75 (+ S&H)
Contact Artist to purchase.
When I find myself getting too tight (or uptight) with painting realism, I often turn to making monotype prints, which is a fun way for me to loosen up and give free rein to my imagination. Image size: 5" x 7.75"
$75 (+ S&H)
Contact Artist to purchase.
Monotype prints are made by drawing or painting directly on a "plate" made of glass, plexiglass, metal, or hardboard. You then lay a sheet of paper over the plate. By either rubbing, pressing, or running the plate and paper through a press, the image on the plate is transferred to the paper, making the monotype print.
Unlike traditional printmaking methods where the image is permanently engraved, etched, or fixed to the plate to produce the same image multiple times, monotype printing gives you only one image (since nearly all the paints/inks are transferred to the paper). There are many variables in the process and far less control; so the resulting prints are quite spontaneous looking and loose--often looking like nothing at all!
Today's image began as a monotype print I did back in 2004. I had worked back into the image with color pencil, strengthening the colors and adding textures, while "making something more" out of the forms.
A few days ago, I came across this little piece--sort of a fantastic flowering cactus--and added some touches and further refined the image. Thus the dates noted on the print: 2004/2008.
Thanks for taking a moment to look at today's post. Have an easy week. See you Thursday!
Text and photo ©Carol Adamec 2008. All rights reserved.