I am in the throes of finishing up paintings and framing for my exhibit at Spiva Center for the Arts in Joplin, Missouri, which opens July 17 to the membership and guests, and on July 18 for the general public. The image above is from Spiva's website: www.spivaarts.org.
My exhibit, Catching the Light is a one-person show in Spiva's Regional Gallery and will feature many of the original paintings you have seen posted here on my blog over the past year or more. If you're in the Joplin area on July 17, please! come to the free opening reception (6-8pm) as my guest!
Brave New Art is a group exhibit in Spiva's larger Main Gallery, and includes digital paintings by my friend Lisa Rivas whom I introduced to you last summer in my July 29, 2008 blogpost. I am looking forward to see what new exciting work Lisa will have in the exhibit.
And to the Anonymous Friend of the Arts who has donated to Spiva in support of my exhibit, many thanks and muchas gracias. I can't thank you enough!
I am suspending my blog for the next several weeks while in Joplin, and will resume posting in mid September. Thank you for your readership and support.
Text copyright 2009 Carol L. Adamec