About The Artist
- Carol L. Adamec
- Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
- Hello! I am a fine arts painter, with a BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. My primary painting medium is oil and alkyd, and mostly I work in a representational style. My greatest challenge as a painter is to capture the effect of light; and my greatest joy as a painter is to accomplish that. Many thanks to those readers who have been following this blog since Day 1 (May 19, 2008). To those who are visiting for the first time today...Welcome, and thanks for dropping by!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Painting the Greens
My plein air painting session on Saturday morning at Wekiva Island was quite enjoyable, with a cool breeze coming off the river, a shady spot to set up my easel, and no alligators around!
The real challenge of the day was painting all those greens in the Florida landscape. I was grateful for the white footbridge, which I used as the subject matter for this little painting.
Thanks for taking a look. Have a great week.
Text & image ©2010 Carol Adamec. All rights reserved.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Plein Air...Florida style

When I have the chance, I usually like to preview the site where the plein air group is meeting—partly, so I know where I'm going, and partly so I can pick out a good view and comfortable site to set up.
This weekend, I'll be painting en plein air at Wekiva Island, a commercial recreational area located on the Wekiva River, The location offers a boat launch, along with canoe and kayak rentals, a sandy volleyball area, lots of shaded spots to enjoy a beer, glass of wine, and socializing, and many lovely, relaxing views of the river.
So, this morning I took off for a leisurely drive to check out Wekiva Island in advance of the painting session. After about a 30 minute drive from the house, I arrived at the site, which is unpretentious, laid back, even quaint. Since it's gotten much warmer this week in Florida, I was looking for a shady spot. And because everything is so full and green, I wanted a river view as a contrast to the all the vegetation. I spied a nice spot across a field, and headed over in my car.
I wasn't the only one who thought this was a good place. When I pulled my car up to the river's edge, there was an alligator sunbathing on the grassy shore. And he wasn't giving up his spot just because I showed up!
Maybe he'll have something else to do this weekend, and I'll get to use that spot for painting.
Hope you have a good, alligator-free weekend, too.
Text & image ©2010 Carol Adamec. All rights reserved.
Plein air painting,
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Winter Apples
Today's post features a 5"x5" oil on canvas painting I just finished up today. The title is "Winter Apples" inspired by a photo I shot in my Albuquerque backyard well over 10 years ago. It had just snowed, leaving wet clumps clinging to the withering apples on my next door neighbor's tree. I always thought that the fading rosy apples contrasted beautifully with the cool icy fluffs of snow; but I didn't get around to painting the image until this week.
It's funny to me how I can hang on to a photo, sketch, or image for years; and then one day, that's just what I want to paint...and it comes together as a painting.
As a Lifelong member of artCentral—an artists organization I've belonged to since my days in Joplin, Missouri—I am pleased to be sending this painting as a donation for their Silent Auction fundraiser which runs April 25 through May 15. The bidding opens at $25 for any 5x5 artwork. Knowing how many wonderful artists are members of artCentral, I certainly do wish I could be present to place my bids on my favorites. I know there will be some dandy pieces to choose from.
If you live in the area, you might want to drop by artCentral to catch this event. For more information, contact Sally Armstrong, Director, via email: artCentral@suddenlinkmail.com or call 417.358.4404.
Text & image ©2010 Carol Adamec. All rights reserved.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Back Among the Palms

Dear Readers,
I apologize for the long lapse in posting, well over a month now.
I have left the Land of the Cacti and returned to the Land of the Palms. I am back in the Orlando, Florida area taking care of my mother. I packed up my studio in Albuquerque and have been setting it up here in Florida, getting ready to paint again.
Last week I contacted the Central Florida Plein Air group; and I am hoping to get some outdoor painting in before the days get too hot. Considering that when I left New Mexico there was snow in Tijeras Pass, I am enjoying the pleasant, dry 75 degree days in Orlando.
Happy Spring to all!
Text ©2010 Carol Adamec. All rights reserved.
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