Morning Daffodils (WIP)by Carol Adamec
Oil, alkyd on stretched canvas
10" x 8"
As explained in last Thursday's post, I am sharing the day-to-day stages of my working process, from the underpainting to the finished painting, of a new piece "Morning Daffodils."
Today's post shows the first colors I've applied to the light areas, while maintaining the values (the light and dark areas) of the overall image. These first colors are loosely painted into the appropriate details or defining hard edges yet. Since I am working from a photographed image, I have also done some re-drawing of the composition.
One lesson to be learned from translating a photographic image into a painting is that the viewer will accept, without question, the "truth" of a photograph and will compensate for any distortion created by the camera lens or angles. At the same time, the viewer is far more critical of the "reality" presented in a painted image, even if the painting is a faithful rendering of the photograph; i.e., it's the artist's fault if it doesn't look "right."
With this awareness, the painter must frequently adjust a painting's composition (and other elements) to resolve those visual distortions in the photographic image. Otherwise, the painter is simply rendering the photograph rather than recreating the reality of what was actually seen at the moment of inspiration.
Well, that's your art lesson for today! Check in on Thursday for Stage 3. See you then.
Artwork and text ©2009 Carol L Adamec. All rights reserved.