"Bird & Hand"
by Carol Adamec
Original caved and painted board
Contact Artist to purchase.
by Carol Adamec
Original caved and painted board
Contact Artist to purchase.
My friend artist Lisa Rivas told me about a website called "Inspire Me Thursday." Each week (on Thursday) a new art "challenge" is issued as a word or phrase to inspire artists to create an artwork based on the week's theme. Artists then post a link on the site to share their creations.
The challenge for the past week has been "carve", which reminded me of the Bird & Hand painting I did awhile back, shown in today's post. It was one of my first "environmental" pieces: Is the hand of Man there to help or hurt the Earth's creatures?
For the artists and writers out there, you might like to subscribe to the website and participate when it suits you. To the lookers, you might like to see the many ideas and interpretations that artists come up with. It's fascinating! The site is www.InpsireMeThursday.com.
Thanks for taking a quick look. Have a great weekend. See you Monday!
PS: If you are in the Albuquerque area, I invite you to the Arts & Crafts Fair at the Albuquerque Center for Spiritual Living, 2801 Louisiana NE, located on the west side of the street, between Menaul and Candelaria. The event is tomorrow, Saturday, November 1, 9am-4pm. Parking and admission are free! I'll be there selling my originals, art prints, giclees, and Trail of Painted Ponies items. And there will be all kinds of handmade items by other artists and crafters, too...a great chance to start your holiday shopping!
Image & text © 2008 Carol Adamec. All rights reserved.
1 comment:
I'm so glad you participated Carol!
This piece is just fabulous / fabuloso :)
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